UNP系列のボディメッシュ、7B Bombshell、7B Oppai、その他の7B系列のボディメッシュの足首に対応しております。
- 当MODはNMMやMO等の自動インストールに非対応です。
"HGFeet" and "HGToes" please manual install. - HGToesは足装備扱いです。 AddItemMenu を使い入手してください。
HGToes are foot equipment. Get it at AddItemMenu. - 当該メッシュ単体での二次配布は禁止です。
You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances - 二次配布さえしなければ当該メッシュの改造はご自由にどうぞ。
Modifications are allowed as long as they comply with the conditions above. - フォロワーMODなど、リソースとして当該メッシュを使用し、それをNexusやブログで配布する場合は、
クレジットに私の名前( haijin_a )を明記してくだされば申告、許可取り無しで使ってくださって結構です。
You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
HGFeet and Toes
・ Normal
・HGToes 01 親指差し
・HGToes 02 足先折り
・HGToes 03 指開き
・HGToes 04 指開き&指先折り
・HGToes 05 指先段々折り
・ HGToes 0102 etc 左右形違い ※UUNP only
Bodyslide UUNP
HG HG FeetおよびTeosのUUNPファイル、ここではその使い方を簡単にご説明します。
まず前提MODとして BodySlide and Outfit Studio の導入が必要となります。
当MOD内のCalienteToolsをDate直下にある同名フォルダに上書き導入後、BodySlide x64.exeないしBodySlide.exeを起動。
なお、HGToes 0102となっているものは左右で足先の形が違う組み合わせのものです。
SeveNBase a custom FemaleBodyReplacer by Crosscrusade DeMoNhUnTeR1986 Sevennity
Special Thanks
手のメッシュに関してはHalofarmさんのHigh Poly Hands and Feet v4で満足しているので、
Hello, is this compatible with BHUNP? 🙂
My character is BHUNP based, but I don’t have any problems with it.
Can you pls convert HG feet to cbbe or advise how I can convert to cbbe? Really like this mod excellent stuff
I do not know how to convert to CBBE.
Best looking feet I have found.
I have noticed that racemenu overlays do no work on the feet meshes but work on the toes meshes:
I’ve tried comparing and adjusting some of the values in nifskope but cannot seem to find a solution. Any suggestions?
Regardless of that, I love this mod, thank you!
I’m an ECE user, so I don’t know about racemenu.
Ah okay. Do the overlays (freckles, etc.) work on the feet using ECE?
ECE does not have an overlay feature like racemenu.
It seems as if Racemenu overlays don’t work with the feet mesh replacer, but work with the equippable toes. Not sure what to do here. Will there be a fix for this?
I am not a Racemenu user, I don’t know the solution so there is no fix.sry
Why is the foot shape different from yours after hgfeet is installed? Like the shape of the installation front foot, it is placed in the character assets folder
This MOD is only for SkyrimLE, are you a SkyrimSE user? I don’t have an SE so I don’t know if it will be displayed correctly. There are no plans for SE conversion.
If you are an LE user, make sure you have installed the files in “HGFeet” correctly. If the foot shape is different even if it is installed correctly, it is not because of my MOD.
Thank you for your answer.I am an LE user.Do you put femalefeet_0.nif and femalefeet_1.nif in the Data/Meshes/actors/character/character assets files?
Yes, it is. At the moment, other users have not reported the same problem, and I can’t check the reproducibility with my Skyrim, so if it doesn’t install and solve correctly, I don’t know why.
Hey friendo! Can you please make this for LE version?
This mod is LE.
do you remenber what texture you use in these photos?
Custom skin based on Fair Skin Complexion.
any link??
Google it “Fair Skin Complexion”